Thursday, December 19, 2013

Something new!

These days I'm having a creativity attack and trying to focus that creativity on my paintings. Here I bring you the sketch of my b-e-a-utiful makeup and fashion guru all the way from India - Jovita! :) I'm so happy to find her 'cause she is one of the most entertaining, talented, intelligent, unique and amazing people I've ever seen in my life. What I've realized after watching her videos on youtube and getting to know her better is that we have some common interests: love for art (in this case paintings), obsession with cats (she has soooo damn cute siberian cat that I just wanna wanna wanna!), Bollywood movies and last but not least - makeup.

It took me around 2 and a half hours to make this sketch but in the end I'm happy with the final result and what I've figured out is that Jovita has so aaahhh-mazing face with perfect proportions. Donno do you guys find it good or not, but I did it with lots of love, as I never do anything if I dont give 100% of myself. 

PS. Do check Jovita's channel on youtube, I'm sure you wont regret. If you are more interested in her work, here are the links of her blog, instagram and facebook page too.

Stay tuned for moooore! xoxo

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